
Since January, I have had the opportunity to intern with Kurandza, a nonprofit focusing on "creating the next generation of female leaders by providing sustainable education and mentorship to girls, nurturing them into becoming leaders in their communities, starting with rural villages in Mozambique." 

I've built relationships with some of the team members as they mentor me and teach me more about Kurandza. I see their heart for the women and girls in Mozambique. It has been such a blessing to learn from them.

I have seen firsthand the impact of the Kurandza community and how they support the students in Mozambique. I am so grateful for the opportunity to take part in the #IStandForGirls2022 campaign this year and to be a part of such a great community.

Together, we’re raising funds to send 250 girls in Mozambique back to school, because when girls are educated, they are more likely to... 

✨ gain independence, health, safety, and security into adulthood.

✨ have access to jobs and earn a higher income than those who are not.

✨ send their own daughters to school and break the cycle of poverty.

✨ invest back in their community and improve global development.

Will you join me (and the Kurandza Community) in creating sustainable change for these students? Donate today!

If you would like to learn more about Kurandza, visit their WEBSITE!


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